Sample Test Cases

Example 2
Singly Linked List (deleting the Nth node from the last)

1. What will happen if I pass a linked list with no nodes? empty list? and any Nth value.
2. What will happen if I pass a linked list with only one node or two nodes? and any Nth value.
3. What will happen if I pass a linked list such that the Nth node value is larger than the total number of nodes in list?
4. What will happen if I pass a linked list with a normal condition? and normal Nth value.
5. What will happen if I pass a linked list with huge number of Nodes but Nth node as the last Node?
6. What will happen if I pass a linked list with huge number of Nodes but Nth node as the first Node?

7. What will happen if I pass a just a partial linked list? and and any Nth node value?
8. What will happen if I pass a cyclic linked list? and any Nth node value?
9. What will happen if I pass a linked list but Nth node as doubly linked list node?
10. What will happen if I pass a linked list but Nth node as different data sturcture or different data types? Like string instead of node?
11. What will happen if I pass a improper linked list? linked list with missing data in some nodes?
12. What will happen if I pass a linked list having all nodes populated with same data or value?
13. Can we reuse the code or application easily? Does it support extension? What about modification?
14. Is the application or code easily understood? Proper Documentation? Is it user/layman friendly?
15. Is the performance poor? Are there any bottle necks or memory leaks or code redundancy?
16. Do user have to wait long time to see the output?
17. What will happen if I run the application continuously for long time?
18. Is there any information leakage like displaying sensitive information during error handling?
19. Does the application stores information about auditing or logging or others? Who performed what and when?
20. What will happen if I run the application in different environments, with increment or decrement in resources?

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